
AIRC 2021-2026

SPLICING-Targeting splicing abnormalities in cancer: Developing new splicing modulators for tissue-agnostic therapy

AIRC 2021-2024

AIRC Fellowship- "Giovanni Fraviga"

Office of Naval Research - USA 2020-2024

POLAR-Polarization, magnetization and other geometrical properties of electronic ground state

EU-H2020 2020-2019

Attract-Graphene Golay Micro-Cell for a Color Sensitive TeraHz Imaging Sensor

CNR 2020-2021

Accordo bilaterale CNR-SAS (Slovacchia)-Optimization of the scalable growth of transition metal dichalcogenide thin films and novel heterostructures for application in electronics and advanced sensors

CNR 2020-2021

Accordo bilaterale CNR-TUBITAK (Turchia)-Development of SERS active Ag nanowire foils for germ detection in fluids (Raman Filter)

CNR 2020-2021

Accordo bilaterale CNR- SC MESCS RA (Armenia)-Statical Physics of Classical and Quantum Nonlocal Hamiltonians: Phase Diagrams and Renormalization Group

CNR 2020-2021

Accordo bilaterale CNR- Royal society of London (UK)-Testing fundamental theories with ultracold atoms

MIUR-PRIN 2019-2023

4DInSiDe-Innovation silicon detectors for particle tracking in 4dimensions

MIUR-PRIN 2019-2023

UTFROM-Understanding and tuning friction through nanostructure manipulation

MIUR-PRIN 2019-2022

CUTEX-Cutting-edge x-ray methods and models for understanding of surface site reactivity in heterogeneous catalysts and sensor

MIUR-PRIN 2019-2022

MADAM-Metal ectivated 2D carbon-based platforms

AIRC 2019-2022

FIRC-AIRC -Fellowship

CNR 2019-2021

Accordo bilaterale CNR-NRC (Egitto)-Valutazione degll'effetto immunogenico di nanoparticelle superparamagnetiche (YFe2O3@Ag) come piattaforma per lo sviluppo e il controllo di adiuvanti nei vaccini

CNR 2019-2020

Accordo bilaterale CNR-Ungheria-Strongly interacting systems in confined geometries

MIUR-PRIN 2018-2023

FERMAT-Fast electron dynamics in novel hybrid organic -2D materials

Office of Naval Research 2017-2021

N00014-17-1-2803-Polarization, magnetization and other geometrical properties of electronic ground state

MAE 2017-2019

CUMETABOLISM-Disclosing interactions between copper cellular transporters: towards new treatments for copper metabolism dysfunctions

PON- Avviso 68 2017-2020

M2M - Netergit-Ricerca applicata a reti di comunicazione M2M e modem integrati innovativi

AIRC 2017-2020

AIRC Fellowship-"Gianni Bonadonna"

FVG Region 2017-2020

Biomec-Applicazione delle tecnologie biomeccaniche a integrazione delle metodiche convenzionali in ambito ospedaliero

MIUR PRIN 2016-2019

2015EMZ5C8 02-Rilevatori di raggi X i semiconduttori ad altro numero atomico per sorgenti di nuova generazione e imaging medicale

MIUR-PRIN 2016-2019

NEWLI-New Light on transient states in condensed matter by advanced photon

FVG Region 2016-2018

Definizione operativa del rischio sismico-Definizione operativa del rischio sismico e delle tecniche di intervento per edifici strategici: un sistema integrato su piattaforma HPC

NATO 2016-2018

Ant-Muse-Advanced Nanotechnologies for multivariate sensor fabrication

Progetto Bandiera 2016-2018

Nanobrain - Nanomax-Nanotechnology-based therapy and diagnostics of brain deseases

AIRC 2016-2019

Maestro-Learning the lesson of tamoxifen metabolites: design of multi-targeted human aromatase and estrogen receptor modulator

CNR 2015-2020

SIR2014-SUNlight-initiated DYNamincs in photovoltaic materials