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Research affiliated member

I am currently Professor in theoretical condensed matter theory at SISSA.

My research activity is focused on strongly correlated many-body systems with a particular interest in the emergence of novel quantum states and spectacular realization of known phenomena in the proximity of Mott insulators.

I have contributed to many aspects of the physics of strongly correlated superconductors, from the cuprates to the iron-based superconductors, including fullerides, for which I predicted the phase diagram as a function of pressure and the role of electronic correlations.

I am interested in the application of these concepts in different frameworks, from functional materials to cold-atoms and other forms of synthetic matter.

I have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant, and I have been PI of a PRIN project, besides coordinating units in different projects. I have been the supervisors of more than 10 Ph.D students and more than 10 Postdocs.