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Martin Samos

Research staff

Dr. Layla Martin-Samos is a researcher from the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IOM Democritos).

After a PhD in Computational Material Science in Paris (2004) devoted to the modeling of defects in amorphous SiO2 from first-principles, Layla Martin-Samos moved to the INFM-S3 center in Modena (Italy) where she developed SaX (Self-energies And eXitations) software package based on Many-Body Perturbation Theory for the modeling of electronic excitations, including optical excitations, within the GW approximation and the Bethe- Salpeter Equation.

In 2009, she moved to Trieste (Italy) where she worked as development scientist for Quantum-ESPRESSO. In 2012 she became assistant Professor at the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) in the Materials Research Laboratory.

Her research interests goes from software development, refactoring and optimization to connection between theory and experiments, including multi-scaling and methodological developments. She is actively involved in a longstanding multi-partner collaboration (CEA-DIF, CNRS-LAAS and SISSA), devoted to understand and model defects and irradiation effects in semiconductors and insulators.

She has been and is supervisor of several PhD students and postdocs.

She is one of the PI of H2020 FETOPEN MAGNELIQ ( and she is project manager of several industrial research contracts.