
(+39)0106598-703 (Office)


Management technologist
Support to research management

E.N. has a scientific background (physics degree). After 2 years post degree scientific activity on surface science, since 1998 she has been working in research management.

She has a Master on University and Research management and more than 20 years’ experience in supporting EU-funded research projects and research activities at large scale infrastructures.

Having competencies on management of research evaluation process, on dissemination, exploitation and impact of project results, she actively participated to several FP7 projects, she managed a COST action grant and she is currently highly involved in a number of H2020 projects (INFRAIA-NFFA Europe, CoE on HPC-MaX, FET-OPEN OXiNEMS and SUPERGALAX) taking care of reporting, communication and dissemination activities, and acting as reference expert for open science, long-term sustainability and gender issues.

Since 2011 she has been Italian delegate in the ESRF-AFC, Italian ILO and advisor in the ESRF- Council.

Since 2019 she is supporting the organizational and operational activities of the Competence Centre START4.0 focused on safety, security and cyber security of strategic infrastructures.