Dr. Elena Magnano is a researcher working for the Istituto Officina dei Materiali of the Italian National Research Council (IOM-CNR).
She has got a Master degree in Physics from the University of Genoa (IT) in 1995, and a PhD in Physics from the ETHZ (CH) in 2003.
From 1995 to 2004 she worked at the INFM-TASC Laboratory in Trieste, where she consolidated an extensive experience in the epitaxial growth of materials in UHV and in the characterization of electronic properties of materials by X-ray photoemission and absorption spectroscopies.
In 2004 she started working at the BACH beamline at Elettra synchrotron radiation facility in Trieste, where she currently works as responsible of the beamline.
She has a large experience in the techniques and advanced instrumentation with synchrotron light and UHV and recently part of her activity has been dedicated to improve and develop new advanced tools for the in situ/operando characterization of materials under realistic working conditions and to pump and probe set-ups with fs lasers. Her scientific activity is devoted to the study of electronic properties of materials (thin films, nanostructured materials, organic molecules and metal-organic hybrid interfaces, graphene and graphene-like 2D materials, superconductors, oxides, inter-metallic and metal alloys), liquids and interface solid/liquid.
She temporarily worked as visiting scientist in different national and international laboratories.
She is currently Senior Research Fellow at the Physics Department University of Johannesburg (South Africa).
She is coauthor of 146 papers on refereed international journals and reviewer for a number of international journals.